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Activity Forum/TS

BeitragVerfasst: 9. Jul 2012, 15:43
von Shy1vanna
Deluxe does not have a strict policy about activity.
As u can read in the guild-rules u are allowed to take a break whenever u want.
Now i think there is a HUGE lack of activity at the Forums/TS.
Try to imagine how much work it is to keep the forum/ts maintained.
I think the GM put a lot of work/time in this.
Rather sad if we dont make a good use of it.

This is why i want to ask some members to be more active at Forum/TS

Thank you.

BeitragVerfasst: 9. Jul 2012, 18:50
von Sturmklinge
I think, I am one of the most aktive people here in our forum^^
But anyway, you have right, we need more aktivity here. Our GM´s are doing a great job to keep this forum and community alive.

BeitragVerfasst: 18. Jul 2012, 01:11
von Shy1vanna
For the people that makes use of TS.
U must use ur Ingame name as TS name!